sex symbol
'sex .symbol
a famous person who is considered by many people to be very sexually attractive
Hollywood's newest sex symbol
1. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America. 从那时起,这座伟大的纪念碑对通过纽约港进入美国定居的千百万人来说就一直是自由的象征。
2. Because females do not have this tendency (this brain division is known to be influenced by male sex chemicals), girls who perform well in mathematics are doing so because they are superior in their overall mental development. 因为女性不具备这种趋势(人脑的这种分工已知是男性激素影响的结果),数学好的女孩是因为她们的整体智力发育很好。
3. The zero tells the computer which is the left side of the symbol. 这个0是让计算机辨认条形码的左右。
4. The questions include: "Have you ever been a controlled substance (drug) salesman, or a sex slave or pimp?" 其问题包括:你做过受管制药物(毒品)的推销员吗?
5. This is true when meeting members of the same or opposite sex — and not just in work, but in social situations, too. 无论遇到同性或是异性,在工作中或是在社交场合中,都是这样。
6. The three-dimensional model for Barbie was a German doll — a joke gift for adults described as having the appearance of "a woman who sold sex". 芭比娃娃的三维模特是一个德国洋娃娃,一个哄成年人开心的礼物,被描绘成具有"风尘女子"的模样。
7. Dove is the symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。
8. Yes,they´re full of sex and violence. 是的, 它们充满了性和暴力.
9. Since then, I've heard that the psychic-talk business is doing poorly and that phone psychics have been considering another form of telephone work: phone sex. 从那以后,我听说通灵谈话节目每况愈下,而电话通灵大师们一直在考虑另一种热线服务:色情电话。
10. Such as´ho! my son´, or´ho! my father´, or´my mother´, according to the age and sex of the captive. 人闪还按象的年龄性别,给以亲切的外号,如"嗬!我的孩子"、"嗬!我的爸爸"、"嗬!我的妈妈"。